"Se vós permanecerdes na minha palavra, verdadeiramente sereis meus discípulos; E conhecereis a verdade, e a verdade vos libertará." João 8.31-32

If you abide in My word, ye my disciples indeed: And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." John 8:31-32

23 de nov. de 2011


In recent days, I was impacted negatively with tests that prove the rule of Satanism in the entertainment industry (movies, music, media outlets) as well as governments, financial markets etc..

That is, we are seeing the evil mocking God, every day, in front of us and often do not realize.Indeed knowledge is power. When searching a little bit about it, we see clear signs of where this "power" is infiltrated, and unfortunately it is in almost everything.

Just as I was shocked to realize how bad that we are surrounded, on the other hand, God has once again prove that watches over His Word. He is faithful and His Word is the only truth.

Any movement towards the New World Order is nothing but the fulfillment of God's Word. What is meticulously engineered and full of strategies, and in fact is consolidating our God had already reported in thousands of years ago through his prophets.

He tells us that:

"Do not fear those who kill the body but can not kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. "Matthew 10:28

"I tell you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body and then nothing else can do. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after killing the body, has power to cast into hell. Yes, I tell you, that you should fear. "Luke 12:4-5.

We know that we are of God and the whole world is under the power of the evil. 1 John 5:19

"You belong to your father the devil, and want to carry out his wish. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his own language, he is a liar and father of lies. John 8:44

Often, we believers, we are distracted with matters of no importance. We must continue watching and praying as well as more and more knowledge and information.

"But grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen "2 Peter 3:18

Now, those who think to deceive the world, are in fact wrong, because they think Jesus will be defeated.

But our dear Lord Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and always will reign victorious reigns and nothing can beat it, never! For He has made the sacrifice as the Lamb of the World, on the cross of Calvary! And then, by God's grace, we can live eternally in joy and gladness! 


"He said to him, Simon Peter, Lord, to whom shall we? Thou hast the words of eternal life. "John 6:68

Praised and adored forever be the name of the Lord!


In Jesus I'm more than a conqueror
In Jesus I'm more than a conqueror
In Jesus I'm more than a conqueror
In Jesus I'm more than a conqueror

You think you're going to make me stumble?
You think you're going to make me fall?
You do not get tired of me trying
But I can not get enough of you to resist
You want to know who will win?
I say: Greater is He that is in me
Well this is the largest in me

I'm tired, yeah you
I got tired of believing his lies
I am no longer a slave and now dwells in me
The Spirit of life that makes me win

In Jesus I'm more than a conqueror
In Jesus I'm more than a conqueror
In Jesus I'm more than a conqueror
In Jesus I'm more than a conqueror
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh-oh

You think you're going to stop me?
You think you're going to make me give up?
You do not get tired of me face
But I can not get enough of you to resist
You want to know who will win?
You say: "Greater is He that is in me"
Well this is the largest in me

Who are you going back
But I'll go ahead and get to the end
Crown of victory is what I get
And the lake of fire will burn you


Nos últimos dias, me vi impactada negativamente com análises que comprovam o domínio do satanismo na indústria do entretenimento (filmes, música, veículos de comunicação) além de governos, mercado financeiro etc.

Ou seja, estamos vendo o mal debochando de Deus, todos os dias, bem na nossa frente e muitas vezes não nos damos conta.

Realmente o conhecimento é poder. Quando se pesquisa um pouquinho sobre o assunto, já vemos sinais muito claros de onde esse “poder” está infiltrado, e infelizmente está em quase tudo.

Do mesmo modo que eu fiquei chocada ao perceber o quanto estamos rodeados desse mal, por outro lado, Deus mais uma vez nos prova que zela pela sua Palavra. Ele é fiel e sua Palavra é a única verdade.

Todo o movimento em prol da Nova Ordem Mundial, nada mais é que o cumprimento da Palavra de Deus. Aquilo que é arquitetado meticulosamente e cheio de estratégias, e de fato está se consolidando, nosso Deus já havia nos comunicado há milhares de anos atrás, através de seus profetas.

Ele nos diz que:

“Não tenham medo dos que matam o corpo, mas não podem matar a alma. Antes, tenham medo daquele que pode destruir tanto a alma como o corpo no inferno. “Mateus 10:28

"Eu lhes digo, meus amigos: não tenham medo dos que matam o corpo e depois nada mais podem fazer. Mas eu lhes mostrarei a quem vocês devem temer: temam aquele que, depois de matar o corpo, tem poder para lançar no inferno. Sim, eu lhes digo, esse vocês devem temer.” Lucas 12:4-5.

Sabemos que somos de Deus e que o mundo todo está sob o poder do Maligno. 1 João 5:19

"Vocês pertencem ao pai de vocês, o diabo, e querem realizar o desejo dele. Ele foi homicida desde o princípio e não se apegou à verdade, pois não há verdade nele. Quando mente, fala a sua própria língua, pois é mentiroso e pai da mentira. João 8:44

Muitas vezes, nós crentes, somos distraídos com assuntos sem importância. Devemos continuar vigiando e orando além de obter mais e mais conhecimento e informação.

“Antes crescei na graça e conhecimento de nosso Senhor e Salvador, Jesus Cristo. A ele seja dada a glória, assim agora, como no dia da eternidade. Amém.” 2 Pedro 3:18

Agora, aqueles que pensam enganar o mundo, são na verdade os enganados, pois eles pensam que Jesus será derrotado.

Mas o nosso amado Senhor Jesus, o Rei dos Reis e Senhor dos Senhores reina e sempre reinará vitorioso e nada poderá vencê-lo, nunca! Pois Ele já se fez o sacrifício como o Cordeiro do Mundo, na cruz do Calvário! E então, pela Graça de Deus, podemos viver eternamente, em júbilo e alegria! Aleluia!

“Respondeu-lhe, pois, Simão Pedro: Senhor, para quem iremos nós? Tu tens as palavras da vida eterna.” João 6:68

Louvado e Adorado para sempre seja o Nome do Senhor!

17 de set. de 2011


In these last two months especially, blessings God has given me wonderful, from the standpoint of human and of course, say that was totally unreasonable and even impossible to happen.

These events are part of a clear promise that the Lord is with me and that He confirmed and confirmed several times.

So far, I think anything unusual with thousands of others. But what caught my attention and that God spoke to me is the following:

"This saying is trustworthy: If we died with him, we shall also live with him; If we endure, we shall also reign with him. If we deny, he also will deny us; If we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he can not deny himself. "2 Timothy 2.11-13

We have the habit of following certain "rules" and so we think we will be blessed. As if I did this and this correctly, I would receive a "prize" at the end of the day.

I am aware that I am in error on some things in my life, but God loves us so a tremendous and so deep that sometimes I doubt receive something from Him because we do not deserve.

But that's the truth. In fact, deserve nothing!

"For you are saved by grace through faith and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God; not by works, lest anyone should boast. "Ephesians 2:8-9

Many people do not understand it ... nothing I do can make something worthy of God. Otherwise, only the goodness, mercy and grace of God.

I have learned in the school of God in my life, which is unconditional love and understand what is the grace of God!

I was thinking about text and the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart: "This is Grace!"

This is the amazing grace of God in our lives, only possible through Jesus. It is WONDERFUL!

Praise indeed the name of the Lord!

Thank you, Jesus! For everything!

The translation of that praise is as follows:

What Love is This?
André Valadão

We are not worthy of your love
  Do not deserve much favor
Your grace has reached us
By your blood that saved us

Jesus love is this
What won me over
We won

I run to you and give myself
I run to you and humiliate me
I run to you and adore you
I run to you and kiss you



Nesses últimos dois meses especialmente, Deus tem me dado bençãos maravilhosas, do ponto de vista humano e lógico, afirmo que foram totalmente ilógicas e até mesmo impossíveis de acontecer.

Esses acontecimentos fazem parte de uma promessa muito clara que o Senhor tem comigo e que Ele confirmou e confirma várias vezes.

Até aí, acho que nada de tão incomum com milhares de outras pessoas. Mas o que me chamou a atenção e o que Deus falou comigo é o seguinte:

"Esta palavra é digna de confiança: Se morremos com ele, com ele também viveremos;se perseveramos, com ele também reinaremos. Se o negamos, ele também nos negará;se somos infiéis, ele permanece fiel, pois não pode negar-se a si mesmo." 2 Timóteo 2.11-13

Nós temos o hábito de seguir certas "regras" e assim pensamos que seremos abençoados. Como se eu fizesse isso e isso certinho, eu receberia um "prêmio" no fim do dia.

Tenho a consciência de que estou no erro em algumas coisas na minha vida, mas Deus nos ama de um forma tão tremenda e tão profunda que as vezes até duvidamos de receber algo da parte Dele porque achamos que não merecemos.

Mas essa é a verdade. De fato, não merecemos nada!

"Pois vocês são salvos pela graça, por meio da fé, e isto não vem de vocês, é dom de Deus;não por obras, para que ninguém se glorie." Efésios 2.8-9

Muitas pessoas não entendem isso...NADA que eu faça pode tornar merecedor de qualquer coisa de Deus. Senão, unicamente pela bondade, misericórdia e a graça de Deus.

Pude aprender na escola de Deus, na minha vida, o que é o amor incondicional e entender o que é a GRAÇA de Deus!

Estava pensando nesse texto e o Espírito Santo falou no meu coração: "Isso é a Graça!" 

Essa é a maravilhosa Graça de Deus na nossa vida, somente possível através de Jesus. É MARAVILHOSO!

Louvado seja, verdadeiramente, o nome do Senhor!

Obrigada, Jesus! Por tudo!

29 de ago. de 2011


This week, I came across three different news from Africa that touched me very much:

1) Eritrea - Helen Berhane (Persecution and torture of Christians).
2) Rwanda - Juan Amri (Testimony of escape and deliverance of civil war).
3) Uganda - Invisible Children (Children who are persecuted and killed and so escape alone at night)

It made me think how Africa today still suffer as much from the wickedness of man, with curses and oppression of Satan.

Here are some current data:

Africa is the world's poorest continent, where they are almost two-thirds of people with HIV in the world, the continuation of armed conflict, epidemics, and the advancement of worsening poverty undermine its development.

Several regions of Africa are plagued by frequent bouts of food shortages, especially in rural areas.

Finally, armed conflicts plaguing the continent is another factor of impoverishment, resulting in millions of refugees and displaced persons without capacity, in regions at war.

Africa is kind of like that homeless man who spent all the days ahead, but often ignored because I think we can do nothing for him.

Some say that we are a drop in the ocean, but I feel like a small molecule of a drop in the ocean.

What can I do for Africa?

"(...) Pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. "James 5:16

I can pray! And if I can so can you. Spend one day a week and that is pray for Africa. They go through such situations often, even unimaginable for the people of pain and suffering.

Pray for the innocent, to find salvation and the conversion of the wicked.
For those who can, there are several serious organizations that can help with donations.

Stay in Peace!


Essa semana, me deparei com 3 notícias diferentes vindas da África que me tocaram muito:

1)  Eritreia - Helen Berhane (Perseguição e tortura contra Cristãos).
2) Ruanda – Amri Juan (Testemunho da fuga e livramento de guerra civil).
3)Uganda – Invisible Children (Crianças que são perseguidas e mortas e por isso fogem sozinhas a noite)

Me fez pensar como a África hoje ainda sofre tanto com a maldade do homem, com maldições e opressão de satanás.

Veja alguns dados atuais:

A África é o continente mais pobre do mundo, onde estão quase dois terços dos portadores do vírus HIV do planeta, a continuidade dos conflitos armados, o avanço de epidemias e o agravamento da miséria põem em causa o seu desenvolvimento.

Várias regiões de África são assoladas com frequência por crises de falta de alimentos, principalmente nas zonas rurais.

Finalmente, os conflitos armados que assolam o continente são outro fator de empobrecimento, resultando em milhões de deslocados e refugiados sem capacidade produtiva; nas regiões em guerra.

A África é meio como aquele morador de rua que passamos todos os dias pela frente, mas ignoramos muitas vezes por achar que nada podemos fazer por ele.

Há quem diga que somos uma gota no oceano, mas eu me sinto como uma pequena molécula de uma gota no oceano.

O que eu posso fazer pela África?

“(...) orai uns pelos outros, para que sareis. A oração feita por um justo pode muito em seus efeitos.” Tiago 5:16

Eu posso orar! E se eu posso você também pode. Dedique um dia por semana que seja e ore pela África. Eles passam por tantas situações muitas vezes, até inimagináveis para a gente de dor e sofrimento.

Orem pelos inocentes, para que encontrem salvação e para a conversão dos maus.
Para quem puder, existem diversas organizações sérias para que possamos ajudar com doações.

Fiquem na Paz!

22 de ago. de 2011


"I am the living bread which came down from heaven If anyone eats, he will live forever, and the bread that I will give the world is my flesh." John 6:51

Jesus taught the things of the Kingdom of languages ​​and different ways for men to understand her message.

Reading the Gospel of John, I remembered a question that had already noticed before.

It's amazing how more than 2,000 years after Jesus, our reality is fully depicted in the Bible.

Jesus was tested all the time, was doubted, accused of possessed, false prophet, etc..

Just as today, thousands and thousands doubt his word, try to "bend" it. Some even believe in its existence.

"For neither did his brethren believe in him." John 05.07

"The Spirit that quickens, the flesh is of no advantage to the words that I have given are spirit and life." John 6.62

"As a result, many of his disciples deserted him and walked no more with him." John 6.66

"The multitude answered, Thou hast a demon." John 7. 20

After Jesus healed a man blind from birth. "Jews did not believe that he was blind and now saw, until it has called the parents." John 9:18

"Many of them said: He hath a devil and is mad, why hear ye him?" John 10:20

Jesus was definitely daring. The boldness is only possible for the Truth of God's word.

Even though many people have doubted and against you, Jesus he never failed to say what had to be said.

I must say that many times, thinking that would not be understood or even tried, I failed to say about the things of God and chose to remain silent.

I never gave an opinion on a friend who really did not believe, but I preferred to shut up sometimes.

I always say, that we need to talk strategy with the wicked not to alienate them.

But the truth will never cease to be true, even if they do not believe it.

And what need be said, it must be said. Because I do not know the ways of God and each seed is required.

Another point I would make. How many times have I thought how crazy?

Jesus did not bother with these comments and did not try to prove otherwise, just went on with his mission.

This leaves us a model to follow.

"Wisdom is better than strength. (...) Wisdom is better than weapons of war. "Ecclesiastes 9. 16, 18.


“Eu sou o pão vivo que desceu do céu, se alguém dele comer, viverá eternamente, e o pão que eu darei pelo mundo é a minha carne.” João 6.51

Jesus ensinava as coisas do Reino de diversas formas e linguagens para que os homens entendessem sua mensagem.

Lendo o evangelho segundo João, lembrei de uma questão que já havia notado antes.

É incrível como mais de 2.000 anos depois de Jesus, a nossa realidade é totalmente retratada na Bíblia.

Jesus foi o tempo todo testado, era duvidado, acusado de endemoniado, de falso profeta, etc.

Assim como nos dias de hoje, milhares e milhares duvidam de sua palavra, tentam “entortá-la”. Há quem nem acredite na sua existência.

“Pois nem mesmo seus irmãos criam nele.” João 7.5

“O Espírito é que vivifica, a carne para nada se aproveita, as palavras que eu vos tenho dado são espírito e vida.” João 6.62

“À vista disso, muitos dos seus discípulos o abandonaram e já não andavam com ele.” João 6.66

“Respondeu a multidão: Tens demônio.” João 7. 20

Após Jesus curar um cego de nascença. “Não acreditaram os judeus que ele fora cego e que agora via, enquanto não lhe chamaram os pais.” João 9.18

“Muitos deles diziam: ele tem demônio e enlouqueceu, por que o ouvis?” João 10.20

Definitivamente Jesus tinha ousadia. A ousadia só possível pela Verdade da palavra de Deus.

Mesmo sendo duvidado e tendo muitas pessoas contra si, Jesus não deixava nunca de dizer o que tinha que ser dito.

Devo dizer, que muitas vezes, por achar que não seria compreendida ou até mesmo julgada, deixei de dizer sobre as coisas de Deus e preferi ficar calada.

Nunca dei uma opinião a uma amiga que realmente não acreditasse, mas preferi me calar algumas vezes.

Sempre digo, que precisamos ter estratégia para falar com as pessoas para não afastá-las.

Mas o verdade nunca vai deixar de ser verdade, mesmo que não acreditem nela.

E o que precisa ser dito, deve ser dito. Até porque não conhecemos os caminhos de Deus e cada semente é necessária.

Outro aspecto que gostaria de colocar. Quantas vezes já te julgaram como maluco?

Jesus nem se incomodava com esses comentários e nem tentava provar o contrário, apenas prosseguia com sua missão.

Isso nos deixa um modelo a ser seguido.

“Melhor é a sabedoria do que a força. (...) Melhor é a sabedoria do que as armas da guerra.” Eclesiastes 9. 16, 18.

13 de ago. de 2011


When you are experiencing a problem, an adverse situation is common to have the feeling that that moment will never pass.

But everything depends on the perspective we are having, because we know that everything passes.

The question of what is a short or long, depends on the whole we have as a reference.

If we have to live with a problem for 30 years. You may think: "30 years! That's too long! "

"Why do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day as our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what we see, but you can not see, because what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. "2 Corinthians 4:16-18

It is not specified what is "light and momentary," how long it refers, but using the example above. Though they are 30 years, 50 years, a lifetime, it will still be momentary.

Understand that if we have the prospect of our life on this earth, say 80 years, 30 years or 50 years is too much.

But for Noah, it would be 50 years? Noah who lived 950 years! When he went through the flood, he was 600 years! Think what would be 80 years? Not represent even a tenth of your entire life.

Here are some examples of the life span of the patriarchs, and to question which is 30 years in the life of each one:

Adam - 930 years
Seven - 912 years
Enos - 905 years
No - 600 years
Abraham - 175 years

On the other hand, as a tortoise can live 200 years, a dog lives 15 years and 30 days a fly.

I wish you would leave the human perspective of our present. And notice the time in a macro.

God is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, Who was, is and always will be. There has never been nor will there be another.

Warning: He created the universe did not emerge with the universe.

We estimate today that the universe is about 15 billion years! And that planet Earth is about 14.5 billion years!

Now, with reference to 15 billion years, we can not consider any such momentary affliction? Hallelujah!

And most important: achieving for us an eternal glory!

I'm trying to imagine the New Jerusalem. I know I can never see an approximation of how it really is.

"The wall was made of jasper and the city of pure gold, like the pure glass. The foundations of city walls were decorated with all manner of precious stones. The first ground was decorated with jasper, the second sapphire, the third chalcedony, the fourth with emerald, the fifth sardonyx with, with the sixth carnelian, the seventh with chrysolite, the eighth with beryl, with the ninth topaz, the tenth with chrysoprase, the eleventh hyacinth, and the twelfth amethyst. The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The town's main street was pure gold, like transparent glass. "Revelation 21.

Now see and imagine:

Is not that great and glorious?

Imagine living forever in the midst of golden streets, face to face with God! Power worship him forever!

Never know what is pain, sorrow, death ... And having all this only through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross.

It is wonderful to be part of that Kingdom!

"Remember this, dear: for the Lord a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day." 2 Peter 3:8

"In fact, a thousand years for you are like yesterday when it passed, as the evening hours." Psalm 90:4

Even knowing the beginning, knowing the future, what we have is today! Today is what matters!


                                                            "The end of things is better than its beginning, and the  
                                                             patient  is better than the proud." Ecclesiastes 7:8

Each day is truly a gift from God. An opportunity to know him more, we need to correct, improve, asking for forgiveness, to speak of his love for another person.

There will be bad days and they are many, but the time will come "first things" will have passed! I love thinking about it! That the entire history of humanity is summed up simply as the "first things". Think about it!

Let us be faithful to the end!

God has the best for each one of us here on this earth and after!

No matter the adversity, will only improve! You can only get better! We are on a journey on the way to our house !!!!!

Travelling is a pleasure, who does not? But surely the best part of traveling is coming home !!!!! Hallelujah !!!!!

Stay in Peace!